Common Frachise Problems Today

      Franchising is said to be a partnership between the franchisor and the franchisee. Like any other relationship, problems do exist, so with franchise. If will not be solve the problem immediately, it may worsen.

Not because franchising is less risky, you will no longer experience problems with it. Michael Hemenway, founder and CEO of brand EXPANSION (a United States-based firm that deals with all aspects of franchising) says “Everyone buys a franchise with the ultimate aim of succeeding as a franchisee.” In fact, most people thought that franchising is a quick-money return business and has the assurance of success rate. Which simply shows that some people still don’t understand franchising even though they already have it. Keep in mind, the key to have a successful business is to work hard, and being optimistic.
Some entrepreneur says that franchising is like a marriage that bind with at contract. I agree with it! In marriage you have to be loyal, and respect each other. However in franchising, the contract binds the franchisor and franchisee, with respect, trust and loyalty as a business partner. If one of these quality break down, problem begins.
One common problem in franchising is the communication. “Communication is at the core of every franchisor-franchisee relationship,” says Steve Whiteside, an entrepreneur and consultant for franchise organization. If one will not communicate well with his partner, probably this can cause problem, especially if its a business matter. And so, most franchisors try to build a rapport the moment they meet their franchisee for the first time. Communication barrier sometimes a hindrance to build a good communication and work together effectively.
The Expectations and Perceptions
What do you expect in putting a franchise business? Or what are your expectations about your franchisor/franchisee? You may think of so many expectations in your mind, but the real expectations of the relationship start to form at the first meeting between the potential franchisee and the franchisor.
Some people expect that franchising can make them rich in just a short period of time. I may say that there is no assurance on that. Once you expect for something, it must be in a positive side. Partnership works at this time. Communicating with each other and both aiming high for the business is useful. As long as you are with a good franchisor, and you are doing your part as a franchisee with focus, so no reason to fail, just be optimistic.
Communicate Effectively
Communication barrier arises when franchisees feel they are not on equal footing with franchisors. Things are always unequal if one party feels that its input has no sway or power to influence. Poor communication cause trouble between franchisee and franchisor. It is very important that both parties receive what each other wants to say. Even in franchisee-staff relationship, communication is very essential. You better prioritize the information going in and out. If problem occurs between you and your franchisor, try to discuss it formally and be professional.
Building Trust
Before signing in a franchise, always remember that you are entering a relationship with your franchisor, which trust is required. If there so many hidden agendas or your instinct tells you that something is wrong, you might be a victim or franchise scams. However,trust is earned and not comes naturally in each and everyone of us.
Trust is one of the most important element in a relationship to work, without it, there is no way to ground the relationship, and so communication may break too. In franchising, trust is important not because of the money involve, but its your passion or willingness to put a business.
It all starts from the first meeting between the franchisor and the franchisee. Once trust is applied to the relationship, effective communication follows and so on. Together with a proper support from the franchisor, hands-on franchisee, focus, patience and being optimistic, then your franchise will somehow be successful. Just bear i mind that, “never break the trust that you earn.” Once it break, it is difficult to bring it back, and conflict may occur if trust is missing in a relationship.

What is Franchising?

      One of the best business opportunity. Franchising is the business practice of using one company's successful business model. It means, taking advantage of a business that's already proven to profit and have been tested in the real world. The word 'franchise' is of Anglo-French derivation - from franc- meaning free, and is used both as a noun and as a (transitive) verb. For the franchisor (original owner of the business), the franchise is an alternative to building 'chain stores' to distribute goods and avoid investment and liability over a chain. The franchisor's success is the success of the franchisees. The franchisee is said to have a greater incentive than a direct employee because he or she has a direct stake in the business.