Since it opened its doors to the Philippines in December 2000, MINISTOP has always envisioned becoming the leader in theconvenience store industry. MINISTOP has made its presence felt by being the community’s warmest and friendliest modern combo store. It takes pride in its wide range of quality products, at affordable prices and value-added service.
Merits of MINISTOP Franchise System
  • Small capitalization required
  • Independent entrepreneurial management
  • Business experience not necessary
  • Full Franchiser’s support thru training programs, advanced business systems,distribution center and store operation guidance
  • MINISTOP assists by investing key equipment and operating cost.
How to Franchise
  1. Send a Letter of Intent .
  2. If you have a proposed site, fax a vicinity map or sketch of the site with details, i.e store size, for a feasibility study.
  3. Email and/or Fax these documents to:
Franchise FAQ
Q: How much is the initial investment?
A: The initial investment varies form Php 1.4 to 3 Million depending on the business package. The different business Packages are the STANDARD TYPE, STANDARD LEASE TYPE (SL), and MASTER LEASE TYPE (ML).
Q: Who chooses the location?
A: Ministop chooses the locations and offers them to the Business Partner according to the latter’s area or residence. The Business Partner can suggest sites, but these must first undergo a feasibility study by our Store Development Division.
Q: What is the ideal requirement of the store?
A: Ministop works better in a 100 to 120 square meter area, given our tested functional and practical aspects of store size.
Q: What makes a viable location?
A: A viable location is near offices, condominiums, universities, hospitals, residential areas, and main roads with high pedestrian foot traffic and beside tricycle, jeepney, or bus terminals.
Q: How long is the contract agreement?
A: The contract agreement between Ministop and the business Partner is 10 years.
Q: How long is the Return on Investment (ROI)?
A: The ROI is dependent on the sales, location, and management of the Business Partner. Based on the experience of our existing Business Partners, the average ROI is 3 to 4 years.
Q: What training do I receive?
A: Ministop will provide a one-month initial training program for the Business Partner. This program includes the managerial, operational, and accounting standards of Ministop.
Q: Who hires the store personnel?
A: the Business Partner gets to hire his/her own store personnel, preferably people whom the Business Partner knows and trusts personally. Should there be problems in completing the standard 9-personnel team, the Business Partner can seek assistance from Ministop’s Human Resource Division.